Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Awesome March Areopagus

Salutations Areopagites!

    Thank you Kostiuk family for hosting us in March!  Here are some of the thought-provoking questions that were introduced and discussed by our group as Fr. Ward led us on yet another adventure through the issues and arguments that face us as Catholics.

Is there any value to the practices of the Charismatic Movement?

Does a retired priest have to say daily Mass and read the Breviary?

Is it sinful to do yoga even if you just do it for the exercise and don’t do the spiritual part?

How can one prove to a Protestant that Mary is sinless?

What kind of prayers would be helpful for someone who is discerning his/her state in life?

Is it a sin to make fun of someone’s nose?

If a baby that was just born died, would it go to Heaven?

Is flirting a sin if it is not impure and if you genuinely like the guy/girl?

Is it all right to relax in Lenten penance on Sundays?

What is meant about laughter in the verse “Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep?”  What is the difference between good and bad laughter?  For instance, is it permissible to laugh during movies?

The Peters family has again taken up the torch, and will be hosting the April Areopagus at their house.  Their address is 402 S. 6th Street in St. Clair.  As always, the meeting will begin at 7:00.  Bring your questions, comments, and a snack to share.

In Christ,

Lois Gagnon

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