Monday, February 1, 2016

Hello Areopagites!

Our next Areopagus meeting will be at the Kostuik house, January 15th, at 7:00 p.m.  I will not post their address on the Blog, but will send it out within my monthly e-mails.  Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
                             In Christ,

Last month the Patyi family hosted. so, many thanks to them.

Our questions from last month are:

  • is it a sin to be a perfectionist? It is good to have a certain amount of pride in your work; but is it bad to obsess over things until they are perfect?
  • in the gospel of Mark it says that not even the son of God knows when the world will end. How is this possible since the Father and the Son are one?
  • I have friends that are "Catholic" but don't go to mass. One of them is about to be confirmed what should I do?
  • what is a married woman's first duty, as a wife, or as a mother
  • why is it called Areopagus?