Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Amazing August

   Greetings All,
         We had a wonderful meeting at the Tanis' this month!  The weather held out all meeting, the sky clear even unto the last person's exit.  Thank you for all your prayers concerning this matter.
          Father began the meeting with Cicero's Discourses on Old Age, then we commenced upon the questions.  These included:
  • How does one meditate?
  • What is justice?
  • Can an individual join the Army if the boot camp does not allow for Sunday Mass?
  • If someone is baptized into a Protestant religion, do they have to be re-baptized to become Catholic?
  • When is a weapon classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction by the Church?
  • What are some standards for modesty in swimsuits?
  • If God gives humans free will and intellect, why does He create souls that He knows will go to Hell?
  • If one's confirmation sponsor leaves the Catholic religion and becomes Orthodox, does that affect them?  What is the difference between the Catholic religion and the Orthodox religion?
  • At what point does memento mori (remember that you must die) cross from a healthy reminder to an unhealthy fixation?
          Next month's Areopagus meeting will be held at the Flynn's house, September 12th.  This date is the second Friday of the month, a week earlier than usual.  More information will follow in the next post.  In the meantime, the school year approaches...Have a good year everyone!  
           In Christ,

St. Isaac Jogues, pray for us!
St. Rene Goupil, pray for us!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

   Hello, Everyone,
          This Friday's meeting (August 22nd) will still be held at the Tanis' house.  Mrs. Tanis suggests wearing closed-toe shoes, as the meeting will be around a fire, and a long-sleeved shirt and pants for defense against the mosquitoes.  The Tanises will have some mosquito spray available.  She also recommends parallel parking along the sides of their driveway so that cars are able to pull out in the center as needed when people are leaving.
          If you can, please also bring portable chairs to make seating arrangements more flexible.
          I will not be posting the address, so if you need it, please e-mail me for it.
          Please continue praying for good weather and bring questions for the box and a snack to pass.  I hope all of the Areopagites can make it!
              In Christ,

Monday, August 18, 2014

      Hello Everyone,
            This month's Areopagus meeting will be held this Friday, August 22nd, at 7 p.m. at the Tanis residence.  I will not post their address on the Blog, but will e-mail it.  If you cannot find this e-mail or have not received it, and do not know the address, please e-mail me at tgagnon@centurytel.net so I can get that information to you.
             The location for this meeting is dependent upon the weather.  If the weather is likely to be rainy on Friday come the 20th, the meeting will be removed to my house.  I will write another post and send a second e-mail on the 20th to communicate the verdict.  However, if the weather is likely to be fine, the location will remain the same.
              Mrs. Tanis suggests wearing closed-toe shoes as the meeting will be around a fire pit and long-sleeved shirts and pants to keep away the mosquitoes.  The Tanis' will have some mosquito spray available.
               Please bring plenty of questions to the meeting and a snack to pass, and please pray for good weather.  Safe traveling!

                         In Christ,

     Greetings, Fellow Areopagites!
         This past July's meeting was held at the Kot residence - many thanks to them for hosting! - where Father began the meeting by resuming the discussion over Cicero's discourses on old age.  Of the questions, comments, and trivial matters contained within the box and our brains, we covered such topics as:
  • What are some specific rules to be followed during a courtship?  Should the couple always be chaperoned?
  • Can you ever hear your Guardian Angel talking to you?
  • Can sin draw us closer to God?
  • Besides the Mass, what is the most powerful prayer?
  • What should guys do for chivalrous and honorable behavior toward girls in general, aside from the usual manners of opening doors, etc?  What should a girl expect?
  • A trivial matter:  What is your favorite type of cheese?                                                                                                                                                                
           This month's Areopagus will be held on the fourth Friday, August 22nd.  I apologize for this late Blog notice on the date.  I sent out an e-mail concerning this and the address of the host house this past Friday.  I will be sending another on the 20th.

           In Christ,

St. Maximilian Kolbe, pray for us!