Thursday, May 31, 2018

Areopagus 5/18/18

Hello Areopagites!

Our last Areopagus at the Clark house was well attended, many thanks to them for hosting!

Here are some of the questions from Areopagus:

  1. In the Glory Be it states: "World without end." What does this mean, since we know that Earth with eventually end.
  2. Does God hope?
  3. Thoughts on depression?
  4. Is it a sin to have a tattoo 
  5. Is it fine to listen to songs that don't seem Christian?
  6. At what age should a person begin to give things up for lent?
  7. What happens to the souls of aborted babies
  8. When Catholics move to places with no Churches nearby, and no priests, how would they fulfill their Sunday obligation?
  9. How do you explain the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin to a non-Catholic?

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