Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hello everybody! Had a world class areopagus at the Kucels. Kudos to them for hosting us. We had a plethora of intriguing questions, such as

  • What should those hoping to go into nursing do about Obamacare?
  • Can I argue with my parents?
  • How should you discern your vocation?
  • Why is the half-time break 7 minutes long?
  • Does an invalid mass fulfill your obligation?
  • A very technical question about Latin and the Creed.
  • What are some good resources for godparents?
  • Do breath mints break the fast?
  • How do you control your thoughts.
  • Is it wrong to wish for martyrdom.
  • How much should collateral damage be avoided.
  • Are Venial sins forgiven through acts of perfect contrition.
  • Can we do evil that good may come of it?
  • How did Father feel before his first Mass.
On a bright new side note, we now have a Facebook page. Feel free to check it out!

Our next meeting is the 18th of January, at the Romstads, 644 Jefferson Rd, Lapeer, 48446. See you all there!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hello everyone. Just a quick note to say the December Areopagus is at the Kucels whose address is 14565 Cornell Dr. Sterling Heights, 48313. If you can't find it then Mrs Kucel's phone number is 810-441-4105. See you the 21st!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Greetings all! (You have to roll the r, otherwise it doesn't sound right.) We had an extremely enjoyable Areopagus at the Rens', to whom we extend our thanks for their hospitable hosting of us. Several extremely intriguing questions were asked, such as:
  • Are altar girls okay?
  • Is not voting immoral?
  • How does one discern the greatest defect in one's soul?
  • What's up with the St. Cyril's Catholic clown movement?
  • Is it okay to write your sins for confession on a piece of paper?
  • Is secession moral?
  • Is teasing sinful?
  • Why do they give nuns their names as soon as they enter the convent?
  • Is Obama the Anti-Christ?
  • How do you know if you really love God?
  • What do you think of the game Mafia?
   I'll be sending out the next Areopagus location soon, so stay glued to your computers.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

 Greetings all! We had a great Areopagus at the Kostiuks, many thanks to them for hosting us. Among the questions asked were such fascinating topics :

  • If you don't know whether or not you are in mortal sin, is it permissible to go to communion?
  • Were the Crusades a good or bad thing?
  • Should high heels in stone churches be outlawed?
  • If someone repents for a mortal sin, but die before they get to confession, can they be saved?
  • When should people have a spiritual director?
  • If a religious breaks their vows, are they excommunicated, or can they just go to confession?
  • Does they name of Philadelphia have anything to with the Greek for brotherly love?
  • Do Rosaries have to be blessed after they touch the ground?
  • Are their times when lying is justified?
Vote for your favorite question in the comments section! Our next Areopagus will be at the Rens on the 16th
of November. See you all there!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

 Areopagus is going to be at the Kostiuk household instead of the Rens'. If you need directions then just send me an email. So thanks to them for hosting and I hope to see you all on the 19th!

In Christ,
Henricus Tyranicus

Saturday, September 22, 2012

September areopagus

Greetings my fellow Areopagites! Many thanks to the Gagnons for hosting us this month. We had an exceedingly enjoyable time! There were many interesting questions discussed, including:

  • Did Mary die?
  • Are tariffs effective (the most controversial topic of the night!)?
  • What would happen if we gave Henry power? 
  • How should we explain the scapular to Non-Catholics? 
  • How does general absolution work? 
  • Are there circumstances under which people who committed suicide can go to heaven? 
  • What defines an idiot? 
  • How does one find what God wants them to do?
  • Is it sinful to yell at people on T.V.?
  • And, can the use of the word tongues in Acts of the Apostles mean that God is speaking through the person? 
It seems no one tends to comment on this blog. Correct this. Fight against it. Also, contrary to first impressions, that is not a picture of me. And I still can't find anyone to host the next Areopagus. Please consider volunteering if you are able!

In Christ,

Henricus Tyranicus

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Gagnon's on the 7th

Michelangelo's "Slave (Atlas)": Is Daniel living matter?
Our next Areopagus will NOT be on the THIRD Friday, but on the first, that is, September 7th, at the Gagnons. Just send an e-mail to Henry to get directions.

Many thanks to the Longs, for our delightful areopagus around the campfire.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Areopagus at the Rectory

Greetings Areopagites,
    We extend our thanks to Fr. Ward for hosting the fantastic July Areopagus!  If you were unable to come to this month’s meeting, or you just can’t remember that one fascinating topic we discussed, some of the questions are listed below.
Why did John the Baptist baptize?  Was this a “custom” of sorts before the Baptism of Christ?
Is it all right for people who are non-denominational to attend Catholic Mass once in a while?
When should one read the Confessions by St. Augustine?
Should you make the Sign of the Cross during the Glory Be?
What should be said about people who only go to Mass on Sundays?  Should we judge them to be less holy?
What was the language of Babel before God sent out all the people?
How can one refute the argument that Our Lady is not a virgin because Jesus was made “according to the flesh?”
What is the difference between wisdom, prudence, and common sense?
Do babies see heavenly spirits?
If we make it to Heaven, what will our status be with the angels?
Are guardian angels or any other angels male or female?
Can you hear your guardian angel?
  The August Areopagus will be held at the Long residence.  Their address is 7651 Church Rd., Imlay City.  Come with your questions, comments, concerns, and a treat to share.
In Christ,
Lois Gagnon
Art Credits: Guardian Angel Picture from

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

July Areopagus

Areopagites and philosophers,

    Let’s all extend a huge thanks to the Iannuzzi family for hosting this month’s Areopagus!!  For those of you who were unable to make it, some of the questions rescued from the depths of Odysseus-the-Box at this month’s meeting are listed below. 

Did God give us inalienable rights?  How far do these go?

If you know that you absolutely cannot have children, can you still marry inside the Church?

Why was it so important for Mary to remain a Virgin after Christ’s birth?

Is it moral to donate organs other than kidneys?  Would it be euthanasia to take a vital organ from someone who was about to die soon anyway?

Does being single mean that you have missed your vocation in life, or is it a vocation in itself?

How should you honor the Eucharist if you can’t “feel” anything during Mass?

Is it all right to read a series that does not capitalize the word “God”?

Is it wrong for a priest to hear his family’s confessions?

Is it a sin to receive Holy Communion if you don’t know if you have mortal sin on your soul?  What if you don’t have mortal sin, but you haven’t gone to Confession in a while?

Also, Fr. Ward started off the meeting by sharing some insights into the Our Father, a prayer that is surprising in its depth.

    The July Areopagus will be held on the third Friday, as usual.  We will be meeting at the Rectory, so please come with your questions, concerns, cookies, and other problems and snacks to share.

In Christ,

Friday, June 1, 2012

June Areopagus

Hello everyone!

Sincere thanks to the Kray family for hosting the May Areopagus!  Our next meeting will be at the Iannuzzis' home on Friday, June 8th, the second Friday of the month.  Their address is 435 Miller Rd., Allenton.  As usual, the meeting will begin at 7 pm, so bring your questions and a snack to share!

In Christ,

Lois Gagnon

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Marvelous April Areopagus

    Huge thanks go to the Peters family for hosting April’s amazing Areopagus.  As usual, we discussed a myriad of topics, ranging from the Wise Men of the East to a quote from G. K. Chesterton’s Ballad of the White Horse.  For those of you who were unable to make it, some of the questions and concerns we addressed and debated are listed below.
Which St. Michael prayer is right, “St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our safeguard…” or “ St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection…”? If a mother had a baby and it died before it was baptized, would it go to Heaven?

What should you do if your cousin ignores you when you come over by playing video games, internet, etc.?

What was the religion of the Wise Men, and where did they come from?

How should a boyfriend and a girlfriend act towards each other?

Can it be proven, using the Catechism of the Catholic Church, that all direct transgressions of the Ten Commandments constitute the matter of mortal sin?

Can a Greek Orthodox priest or and SSPX priest give Extreme Unction in case of emergency?

If a woman hears that her husband is lost at sea, but she is not sure that he is dead, can she remarry?

When non-Catholics die, will they go to Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell if they lived a good life and do not know about the true Faith?

    The Kray family has offered to host the May Areopagus at their home at 7:00 pm.  The address is 4572 Merrick Drive Dryden, MI 48428.  Please bring your concerns, trivial matters, a light jacket, and a snack to pass.
In Christ,


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Awesome March Areopagus

Salutations Areopagites!

    Thank you Kostiuk family for hosting us in March!  Here are some of the thought-provoking questions that were introduced and discussed by our group as Fr. Ward led us on yet another adventure through the issues and arguments that face us as Catholics.

Is there any value to the practices of the Charismatic Movement?

Does a retired priest have to say daily Mass and read the Breviary?

Is it sinful to do yoga even if you just do it for the exercise and don’t do the spiritual part?

How can one prove to a Protestant that Mary is sinless?

What kind of prayers would be helpful for someone who is discerning his/her state in life?

Is it a sin to make fun of someone’s nose?

If a baby that was just born died, would it go to Heaven?

Is flirting a sin if it is not impure and if you genuinely like the guy/girl?

Is it all right to relax in Lenten penance on Sundays?

What is meant about laughter in the verse “Woe to you that laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep?”  What is the difference between good and bad laughter?  For instance, is it permissible to laugh during movies?

The Peters family has again taken up the torch, and will be hosting the April Areopagus at their house.  Their address is 402 S. 6th Street in St. Clair.  As always, the meeting will begin at 7:00.  Bring your questions, comments, and a snack to share.

In Christ,

Lois Gagnon

Friday, March 2, 2012

Fantastic February Areopagus

Greetings Areopagites,
    We would all like to extend a warm thanks to the Rochon family for hosting the February Areopagus. Fr. Ward started the meeting by reading an excerpt from a book about the life of St. Catherine, and astounded us with her her amazing deeds (don’t try them at home!). After Odysseus-the-Box made his rounds, we began yet another discussion of diverse topics. There were a lot of questions asked, both live and from the box; here are some of them:

Can a priest hear confession over the phone?

How old should someone be to start courting?

What is the rapture, and is it a theory held only by Protestants?

What is the definition of love?

What are the guidelines for modest dress?

When speaking with friends on spiritual matters, what should a Catholic do if his/her mind goes blank?

Why don’t the Chinese have very many children?

Should one celebrate Fat Tuesday by eating a lot of food and going to dances, or by prayer and preparation for Lent?

Are Catholic restaurant owners required to remove meat from the menus on Fridays (especially in Lent) or just provide meatless choices?

The Scourging at the Pillar

The March Areopagus will be hosted by the Kostiuk family. They live at 6503 Sterling Rd. in Yale. The meeting will be at 7:00 pm on the third Friday, which is the 16th. Please come with you questions and concerns. If you know of anyone who might want their email address added to the list, or if you have changed your email address, please let me know. Have a blessed Lent!

In Christ,

Lois Gagnon

Art Credits:

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Jovial January

    Thank you Ren family for hosting Areopagus this month’s fantastic meeting! I’m sure everyone had a great time debating the many topics that came up this month. We even found time to celebrate Rachel I’s birthday. Some of the questions that arose this month were:

Why is the Glory Be prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours different from that in the Rosary?

Is it morally right for the FBI to confiscate private property?

Is it acceptable to attend a Christmas party in Advent?

The Holy Family (Claudio Coello)
What should you say to a person who claims that Catholic homeschoolers are “indoctrinated?”

Who are Jehovah's Witnesses, and do they celebrate any holidays?

Is it sinful to watch reality shows like American Idol?

How can you combat laziness?

What prayers should one say while in Adoration?

When is breaking the Fourth Commandment a mortal sin?

    The next Areopagus will be on February 24th, the fourth Friday of the month, at the Rochon residence. The address is 15303 Crescentwood, Eastpointe. There is parking allowed across the street on Crescentwood facing Gratiot (eastbound). I hope many of you will be able to come with your questions and comments; don’t forget to bring a snack to pass.

In Christ,
Lois Gagnon
Art Credit: