The November Areopagus was terrific! Thank you again Peters family for hosting us; you did a wonderful job. Fr. Ward opened this month’s meeting by continuing to read from a work by St. Cyprian. As usual, I have listed the questions that were pulled out of the box and discussed after the stimulating opening topic so that those of you who could not make the drive can ponder them at your leisure.
In catechism class, the instructor said that all Creation is good. Does this mean abortion is good?
Is it a sin to steal money from terrorists even if they were going to buy weapons with it?
above: Aristotle
Is early Christian spirituality Platonic? If so, is Christianity authentic, or just mixed up with Greek stuff?
Is it stealing to give your friends copies of music you like on CD’s?
Does God have opinions?
How do you feel about nuns who don’t wear their habits?
Next month, we will meet at the Kucel’s house. Their address is 14565 Cornell, Sterling Heights, MI 48313. Hopefully everyone will be able to make it. If anyone would like their email address to be added to my list, please let me know. Don’t forget to bring some food for snacking.
In Christ,
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