Our September meeting was fantastic! It would have been better if more had been able to attend, but there was a reasonably-sized group nonetheless. We are all extremely grateful to the Manteys for letting us congregate at their house; they deserve special thanks for the delicious caramel apples! This month, Fr. Ward read part of an English translation of Pope Benedict's homily at World Youth Day. This excerpt concentrated on faith. Then, Odysseus the Box having made his rounds, we discussed the burning questions of our times:
Is it a sin to imitate Gideon and other great men by smashing idols, (such as any of the 300,000,000 hindu gods?)
Is it sinful to insult Muslims and politicians?
Is there moral objectivity when it comes to music - can you draw a line between good and bad? On the same line - can you do the same with everything?
Should teenagers wear chasitity rings?
When Pope John Paul II said "I charge you to profess your faith" what does he mean? Does it mean to go out of your way to quote the Bible to random people?
lastly (and most importantly)
Did you know that ATM's have braille on the buttons for all those blind drivers?
As usual, we had a great time.
Pope Benedict XVI at World Youth Day in Madrid
Next month, Areopagus will be held at the Romstad's house. The address is 249 N. Force Road, Attica Mich 48412. We will be meeting on the usual 3rd Friday this time, which is the 21st of October. Remember to invite anyone who you think may be interested in attending the meetings. Also, if any of you have not been receiving the reminder emails lately, please let me know. Don't forget the snacks!
In Christ,
Gideon and his men rout the Midianites
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