For those of you who weren't there, (physically, or mentally for that matter) Fr. Ward started the evening off by reading the sixth part of a letter from the Pope to the youth of the world, warning of temptations from within ourselves as well as from the world around us.
A short summary of the questions asked yesterday evening:
-What does Gollum represent allegorically, and why did Frodo choose him over Sam in the movie?
-What is eternity, and can it be defined with making reference to time? Is time a human concept?
-Is is a big deal if you swear as long as you aren't swearing at anyone in particular?
-Can a good angel become bad and turn into a fallen angel?
-What are the conditions for receiving a partial indulgence?
-Is sabotage in wartime acceptable?
-If euthanasia is wrong, then why is it all right to kill someone in prison who has received the death penalty?
-Where do dinosaurs come into creation?
-A catechism teacher said it's not a sin to attend Protestant services. Is this true, and if so, is it all right to attend SSPX Masses?
-Will people have personality traits in Heaven?
- Is there a personal demon assigned to each of us as described in the Screwtape Letters?
- Why are some of the prayers of the Mass said quietly?
I know I still don't have a complete email list, and I am still wrestling with the addresses I have being bounced. It would be very helpful if you would tell me if you know of anyone who did not receive an email so I can add them or edit the address I already have. Thank you!
Great meeting everyone, see you next time!
Picture credit:
Web Gallery of Art
Two Archangels1002-19
Gold and precious stones
Musée de Cluny, Paris
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