- What is your opinion on parents checking out our phones?
- If you know someone who swears and if you ask them to stop and they don't what should you do?
- How long have you been a priest?
- Can the saints in their happiness feel sadness or unhappiness when someone sins?
- If you were chosen by the Pope to become a bishop what exactly would you do?
- If someone is invited to the awaken ministries should they go? why or why not?
- Could someone adopted into a family (with no close biological relation) marry a close member of that family
- Where is purgatory mentioned in the bible? How would one convince a Baptist of its existence?
- If a couple (who were Catholic) got married in the Church but not the state would it be valid?
- what are some good saint movies to watch with your family?
- If you know a person who has children but is not in the Catholic Church what is required if they want to enter the Church?
- If you know a person who says," I don't want to hear of your faith and you won't hear of mine" how would you approach them on faith?
- what is the difference between love and lust?
- If you can split your mind between what someone if saying and prayer, should you take advantage of this skill?
- If we get glorified bodies in Heaven, what sort of bodies do the people in Hell have? Are they changed at all?
- How should Catholics treat animals?
The next Areopagus is going to be at the Rectory.