Hello! Thanks to everyone who has hosted these past months. The questions have been:
Is the penitent bound by the confessional seal?
Is the life of John the Baptist when he was young mentioned anywhere in the bible?
what do muslims believe in the koran?
Should kids have a right to have private stuff?
Do protestants have the ten commandments?
Is there a patron saint of writers?
How much is too much magic in a book?
If Bob is told a secret by Billy Bob about Joe, and Joe asks Bob about the secret. Is Bob allowed to tell the secret to Joe? (this question didn't have names in it but I added them to clarify)
Did Jesus have a guardian angel?
What is rape?
If we evolved from monkeys and apes, why are there still monkeys and apes?
What is your opinion on voting on pro-abortion candidates?
Why are popes elected for life?
Do aborted children go to Heaven?
How do you defend praying to saints when talking to a protestant?
Can confirmation sponsors be parents?
Would St Giana Beretta Molla be considered a saint?
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Questions from last Areopagus are:
- What is your opinion on parents checking out our phones?
- If you know someone who swears and if you ask them to stop and they don't what should you do?
- How long have you been a priest?
- Can the saints in their happiness feel sadness or unhappiness when someone sins?
- If you were chosen by the Pope to become a bishop what exactly would you do?
- If someone is invited to the awaken ministries should they go? why or why not?
- Could someone adopted into a family (with no close biological relation) marry a close member of that family
- Where is purgatory mentioned in the bible? How would one convince a Baptist of its existence?
- If a couple (who were Catholic) got married in the Church but not the state would it be valid?
- what are some good saint movies to watch with your family?
- If you know a person who has children but is not in the Catholic Church what is required if they want to enter the Church?
- If you know a person who says," I don't want to hear of your faith and you won't hear of mine" how would you approach them on faith?
- what is the difference between love and lust?
- If you can split your mind between what someone if saying and prayer, should you take advantage of this skill?
- If we get glorified bodies in Heaven, what sort of bodies do the people in Hell have? Are they changed at all?
- How should Catholics treat animals?
The next Areopagus is going to be at the Rectory.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Hello Areopagites,
Thanks to the Kray and Campbell Families for hosting. Next month's Areopagus will be at the Ren family's house so thanks to them. The Areopagus will be June 10th, at 7:00.
In Christ,
Thanks to the Kray and Campbell Families for hosting. Next month's Areopagus will be at the Ren family's house so thanks to them. The Areopagus will be June 10th, at 7:00.
In Christ,
The last two months questions are:
- How do you convince someone that yoga is wrong?
- In the next election is it best to vote for Trump, Clinton, or not at all?
- What is an appropriate reason to go shopping on a Sunday?
- Are there Aliens on other planets?
- Is cheating a mortal or venial sin?
- Are the souls in Hell loved by God at all?
- What are the most important daily devotions?
- What instruments can be used during mass?
- What happens to people who are mentally disabled when they die?
- Is anger a sin (if held within)?
- How do you know that you are beginning to love someone (outside your family)
- When does a kids obedience to his/her parents end?
- What is taught by the Church concerning dating?
- Why were the Israelites not allowed to eat the meat of strangled animals?
- In one of Fr. Z's blog posts he states that although you don't have to abstain from meat on Fridays in the Octave of Easter you should abstain from meat during the Octave of Christmas. Why is that?
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Hello Areopagites,
Our next Areopagus meeting will be at the Campbell house, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. I will not post their address on the Blog, but will send it out within my monthly e-mails. Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
In Christ,
This month the Kostuik family hosted. so, many thanks to them.
Our questions from last month are:
When the priest reads the preface at mass why does the priest read something totally different in the Roman Missal than in the Missalett
Is it morally wrong to engage in perilous activities without necessity?
If someone were to pray in a state of unrepentant mortal sin would God hear their prayer?
When is it prudent to start the process of marriage?
If it is Muslims and Christians fighting, why in France?
Can you hear a confession over a phone call?
During lent are you allowed to break your fast on Sunday?
Our next Areopagus meeting will be at the Campbell house, April 15, at 7:00 p.m. I will not post their address on the Blog, but will send it out within my monthly e-mails. Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
In Christ,
This month the Kostuik family hosted. so, many thanks to them.
Our questions from last month are:
When the priest reads the preface at mass why does the priest read something totally different in the Roman Missal than in the Missalett
Is it morally wrong to engage in perilous activities without necessity?
If someone were to pray in a state of unrepentant mortal sin would God hear their prayer?
When is it prudent to start the process of marriage?
If it is Muslims and Christians fighting, why in France?
Can you hear a confession over a phone call?
During lent are you allowed to break your fast on Sunday?
Monday, February 1, 2016
Hello Areopagites!
Our next Areopagus meeting will be at the Kostuik house, January 15th, at 7:00 p.m. I will not post their address on the Blog, but will send it out within my monthly e-mails. Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
In Christ,
Last month the Patyi family hosted. so, many thanks to them.
Our questions from last month are:
Our next Areopagus meeting will be at the Kostuik house, January 15th, at 7:00 p.m. I will not post their address on the Blog, but will send it out within my monthly e-mails. Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
In Christ,
Last month the Patyi family hosted. so, many thanks to them.
Our questions from last month are:
- is it a sin to be a perfectionist? It is good to have a certain amount of pride in your work; but is it bad to obsess over things until they are perfect?
- in the gospel of Mark it says that not even the son of God knows when the world will end. How is this possible since the Father and the Son are one?
- I have friends that are "Catholic" but don't go to mass. One of them is about to be confirmed what should I do?
- what is a married woman's first duty, as a wife, or as a mother
- why is it called Areopagus?
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