Hello, Everyone!
Hello! I am Timothy and I will be taking over the e-mails for Evelyn who is going to college. This month's Areopagus meeting will be at the Pilarski's house, November 20 , at seven p.m., I will not post their address on the Blog, but have sent it out within my monthly e-mails. Please bring a delicious snack to pass, and many of questions for Odysseus the Box.
In Christ,
Apologies for the delay in posting these questions. The questions from the last few months are:
- If one were playing soccer and had to take off his scapular and died during the game would he still receive the merits of wearing a scapular?
- How would you recommend studying the liberal arts?
- Suppose someone wants to marry yet feels a calling to the priesthood. What should he do?
- I want to read and study arguments against homosexuality. Are there any authors that you could recommend to me for reading material?
- I have seen the names of saints listed with either "hist." or "trad." after them I assume that they stand for history and traditional, what is the difference? Also some have "new" or even "new and traditional" after them what do these mean?
- What is the best way to use social media and cell phones without falling into occasions of sin?
- In Lord of the Rings are their any perfect couples other that Beren and Luthien?
- I used to be in the habit of saying the Rosary in bed. often I would fall asleep. I no longer do this, but occasionally can't fall asleep. Can I say the Rosary to the apparent consequence that I will fall asleep? Is this being disrespectful to Mary?
- If one fell asleep on Sunday would they have to go again to fulfill their obligation?
- If someone sold their soul to the devil, would they have to go to an exorcist or would they just have to make a good confession?
- When we go to heaven, will earth still be accessible? Is heaven a defined place, or state?
- In my class, my professor talks a lot about evolution. I realize, that some forms of evolution, slight changes to an organism (finches for instance) are plausible. However when does plausible evolution end and implausible evolution begin?