Monday, January 12, 2015

       Greetings All,
                 This month's Areopagus will take place this Friday, January 16th, at seven p.m.  We meet at the Kostiuk's house; many thanks to them for hosting!  Please bring a question (or several) for Odysseus the Box, and a delicious snack to keep us going (We philosophers need to keep our strength up!).  Safe driving, and stay warm!
                      In Christ,

          Greetings and a Happy New Year to my fellow Areopagites!
                I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas and a relaxing holiday break.  Our most recent meeting, held at the Kot residence in December, was well-attended (I believe our hostess, Mrs. Kot said there were around forty kids there, not counting their parents) and a lot of fun.  Many thanks to the Kot family for hosting us!  After Father Ward began the meeting with prayer and a continuation of the discussion of Cicero's Discourses on Old Age, the box was cracked open, and the following questions brought to light: 
  • Would God have spared Adam and Eve if they had asked for mercy instead of blaming each other?
  • I think it is interesting that, in biblical times, if a man looked at a woman impurely it was the "woman's fault".  But in this day and age it is now portrayed as the "man's fault".  Why do you think this is?
  • If a mushroom is already a fungus, can it mold in your fridge? (Apparently, it can, for one Areopagite claims it has happened.  This was a trivial matter)
  • Does it matter if a Catholic is Latin Rite vs. another Catholic Rite?  If one wanted to change from one rite to another, what would the process for that be?
  • What is a good strategy for converting an SSPX member?
  • How can one disprove evolution?
  • What is the origin of swear words?
  • What defines a recreational drug?  Could caffeine count?
  • What is some basic background info on angels and demons?   
                Our next Areopagus meeting will be held this Friday, January 16, at the Kostiuk's house.  If anyone is interested in hosting a meeting, I need a house for the February meeting, to be held on the third Friday, the 20th of the month.  Please let me know as soon as possible if you want to host this or another month.  I can be reached by e-mail at  
                          Have a blessed New Year!
                                     In Christ,

St. Paul, pray for us!
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!