Saturday, October 11, 2014

         Hi, All!
                This month's Areopagus meeting will be held on October 17th, the third Friday of the month, at 7 p.m.  We shall gather at the Ren's house at 15824 Hough Rd.  Allenton, MI 48002.  Please bring a snack to pass, questions, questions, and more questions for the box, and perhaps a friend (with yet more questions).  
                  Safe Traveling!
                 In Christ,

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Super September

  Hello, Everyone!
             The Areopagus meeting at the Flynn's last month was superb.  We are very grateful to them for hosting us!  Our questions, comments, and trivial matters included:

  • If Adam and Eve were the first man and woman in the Bible and they had two sons, where did their sons' wives come from?
  • What is the best way to restore someone's trust?
  • What would you suggest for a morning prayer routine?
  • Did Hermits have to get special dispensation from Sunday Mass, or were most of them able to go to (or say) Mass?
  • Are altar  boys dispensable?  When did they start helping at Mass?
  • How should one deal with Catholics who are really into evangelizing/working with non-Catholics when they don't really know their faith?
  • Is saying "Good Lord" or "Lordy" taking God's name in vain? 
  • What should one who is seriously considering a religious vocation, but does not know which particular order to enter, do?   
  • If one receives a Sacrament of the Living knowingly in mortal sin (specifically Confirmation or Matrimony), do they have to receive it again to make it valid?
               The next meeting on October 17th will be held at the Ren's residence.  Address will follow later this week.  Enjoy this beautiful month of October!

               In Christ,

Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us!