Greetings All,
We had a wonderful meeting at the Tanis' this month! The weather held out all meeting, the sky clear even unto the last person's exit. Thank you for all your prayers concerning this matter.
Father began the meeting with Cicero's Discourses on Old Age, then we commenced upon the questions. These included:
- How does one meditate?
- What is justice?
- Can an individual join the Army if the boot camp does not allow for Sunday Mass?
- If someone is baptized into a Protestant religion, do they have to be re-baptized to become Catholic?
- When is a weapon classified as a Weapon of Mass Destruction by the Church?
- What are some standards for modesty in swimsuits?
- If God gives humans free will and intellect, why does He create souls that He knows will go to Hell?
- If one's confirmation sponsor leaves the Catholic religion and becomes Orthodox, does that affect them? What is the difference between the Catholic religion and the Orthodox religion?
- At what point does memento mori (remember that you must die) cross from a healthy reminder to an unhealthy fixation?
In Christ,
St. Isaac Jogues, pray for us!
St. Rene Goupil, pray for us!