Tuesday, June 12, 2012

July Areopagus

Areopagites and philosophers,

    Let’s all extend a huge thanks to the Iannuzzi family for hosting this month’s Areopagus!!  For those of you who were unable to make it, some of the questions rescued from the depths of Odysseus-the-Box at this month’s meeting are listed below. 

Did God give us inalienable rights?  How far do these go?

If you know that you absolutely cannot have children, can you still marry inside the Church?

Why was it so important for Mary to remain a Virgin after Christ’s birth?

Is it moral to donate organs other than kidneys?  Would it be euthanasia to take a vital organ from someone who was about to die soon anyway?

Does being single mean that you have missed your vocation in life, or is it a vocation in itself?

How should you honor the Eucharist if you can’t “feel” anything during Mass?

Is it all right to read a series that does not capitalize the word “God”?

Is it wrong for a priest to hear his family’s confessions?

Is it a sin to receive Holy Communion if you don’t know if you have mortal sin on your soul?  What if you don’t have mortal sin, but you haven’t gone to Confession in a while?

Also, Fr. Ward started off the meeting by sharing some insights into the Our Father, a prayer that is surprising in its depth.

    The July Areopagus will be held on the third Friday, as usual.  We will be meeting at the Rectory, so please come with your questions, concerns, cookies, and other problems and snacks to share.

In Christ,

Friday, June 1, 2012

June Areopagus

Hello everyone!

Sincere thanks to the Kray family for hosting the May Areopagus!  Our next meeting will be at the Iannuzzis' home on Friday, June 8th, the second Friday of the month.  Their address is 435 Miller Rd., Allenton.  As usual, the meeting will begin at 7 pm, so bring your questions and a snack to share!

In Christ,

Lois Gagnon