Monday, April 11, 2011

Going to the Gagnons'

Hello, fellow Areopagites!  The Gagnon family has kindly offered to open their home to our meeting this month! It will be this Friday, April 15th, at the usual time, 7:00 p.m. on the dot. Their address is listed below, and please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. Come with questions, friends, and a snack to pass if you can! 

The Gagnon Home

12351 Hegel
Goodrich, MI 48438

Also, I am looking for someone to save Ulysses the Question Box from the captivity of Calypso, as Fr. has so humorously dubbed me! I cannot make it to this Friday's meeting, and I would greatly appreciate a volunteer to take him to and fro. Please email or text me if you would be able to do so! :)

God Bless,