A little recap of the evening:
-What is trust?
-What is your position on drinking?
-Are the Harry Potter books sinful to read?
-Is hypnosis a sin?
-Why is it that when we make the Sign of the Cross we go from left to right?
-What does it mean if you are Lutheran?
-Why do we pay money to light a candle at church? Are we paying for the donation of the candle? Or for the prayer intention?
-How does one handle a sister who is slowly leaving the Church and is rebellious to what people tell her?
-How do you explain the Immaculate Conception and deep devotion to a Christian that believes we are worshiping Mary as a God?
-Mark 15:32 says that both two criminals beside Christ during the crucifixion reviled Him, as well as in the book of Matthew. But in Luke 23:39-43 it says one criminal reviled Christ while the other one rebuked that criminal.
-Is it sinful to "bootleg" music? People justify it by saying , "it's sharing, not stealing."
The next order of business is our upcoming meeting. Father is going on a spiritual retreat for awhile, and has informed me we will be meeting in March next time. So, we're looking for a host for the 18th of March most likely. Please contact me if you're interested!
Photo Credit: Immaculate of Soult by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo.
Through her Immaculate Conception, Our Lady was the perfect vessel who brought our Lord and Savior into the world. Let us pray that Our Lady will continue to bring great blessings into our new year, and pray that she will continue to bring our Lord to us every day of our lives.