Tuesday, September 28, 2010

To the Vrazo's

Thanks again to the Peters' for a delightful evening, and some great questions from our young philosophers. (Apologies for going on a bit late...)

The Vrazo's offered their home for next month. You can ask Hilary for an address and directions.

I hope to get the list of last month's questions posted.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Off to St. Clair

On Friday, September 17, we'll all meet in St. Clair: the Peters have offered their home to us, for which we are all very grateful. Don't forget to come with questions, friends and a snack to pass. We'll start punctually at 7pm.
Since everyone is enjoying the otium, or liesure (in it's highest sense) of returning to studies, I figured I'd post a famous image from a piece of Greek pottery of a student with a stylus... very appropriate for intelligent Areopagites!...